It's that time again - the August/September issue of Traditional Boats & Tall Ships goes on sale from 31st July 2008.
The cover story of this 52nd edition of the magazine is ‘The European Way’ by Commander John Paton. Way back in our 50th issue, John looked at the state of British maritime heritage – this time, he turns his eye to the approach taken by some of our European neighbours. In a similar vein, we’ve got the story of Boy Leslie, the Brixham trawler now found in Scandinavia – and an in-depth look at the Swedish connection with the sea, including the work of Fredrik Henrik af Chapman, now widely acknowledged as the ‘father of naval architecture’. Regular contributor Jamie Campbell looks at the fascinating history of the sadly forgotten Beach Yawl, and staying on the east coast, the old fishing port of Great Yarmouth is our focus going ‘around the coast’.
Our tall ships features include the story of the great survivor Belem, now plying a trade transporting wine from France, and Pelican of London, the very modern tall ship with a sail plan taken from the Barbary pirates! Sam Jefferson returns with tall tales of the opium clippers, and Eric and Ray Cowell sing out for the Forebitter – the true sailors’ sea songs. Dr Alan Platt brings us more on the hapless City of Adelaide, and Merseyside artist Edward D Walker is our maritime painter with an ‘eye for art’.
Issue 52 includes all this plus readers’ letters, Duncan Wells telling us ‘What Is…’, a magnificent photo start featuring the Irving and Exy Johnson, ‘Stern View’ of the paraplegic sailor Hilary Lister’s circumnavigation of Britain, an interview with maritime adventure writer Douglas Reeman and our regular round-up of events and sail training news.
The August/September issue of Traditional Boats & Tall Ships goes on sale on 31st July 2008, available in Borders bookstores or by asking your local newsagent. Subscribers will get the magazine delivered direct to their door. Subscriptions are available priced £35.
aargh, touchpad technology sucks!
this may be a second post
above is a link to pictures of the city of adelaide (carrick) as taken on 4th may 2008
she's not looking her best
if we are incapable, sufficiently apathetic, to be able to save her, lets use her as a template to build something that can stretch out with a bone in her teeth
whilst i'll never get tired of sailing in tall ships, it seems that it's only foreign ships that recall the splendour, majesty and damned hard work that was the age of sail (which britain was fairly active in, oppressing all those countries took a certain skill!)
i don't think it's too late for her, but then i do have a soft spot for renovating things that others would discard, just thought people would like to see
Posted by: alistair bruce | July 29, 2008 at 10:12 PM